Traducción Original. Descargar la octavilla aquí. The [Spanish] Minister of Education, Isabel Celaá, got carried away on Sunday, August 30th, in an interview with El País while stating: “The benefits of school far outweigh the risks”. Benefits and risks for whom? Well, not for the same people. Throughout the previous wave of the COVID pandemic, at least 50,000 people have […]
There are times when you stop in order to look at this system and you get a strange feeling. The sensation is similar to the one that you have in a dream, when the succession of things is produced with both a disconcerting and natural absurdity. In a moment of lucidity you say to yourself […]
Sacrifice, resistance, morale of victory, unity (between employers and workers). These words constitute the mantra that the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, has been repeating in a crushing way since the beginning of the pandemic. It is not accidental: they want us proletarians to see our needs gagged, to not struggle for our interests, at […]
Download epub The past of our being[1] Only one human practice is immediately theory: revolution. Human knowledge advances through social revolutions. The rest is silence. Amadeo Bordiga The purpose of this text is to return to a fundamental debate that took place during the founding of the III International, almost a hundred years ago. […]
This past year we see revolts one after the other all over the world: revolts that lead Macron to visit the bunkers of the Elysée, that make Lenin Moreno move the seat of the government to Guayaquil, that assault the barracks and the headquarters of bourgeois parties in Iraq while reviving the memory of the […]
Download epub These notes are intended to respond to two historical needs through which revolutionary minorities have thought their tasks. On the one hand, communism is a real movement that abolishes the existing state of affairs. When we talk about revolution, class or party, we are talking about realities that arise from the contradictions […]