Translated by A Free Retriever The cat and mouse game is over. And the mouse ate the cat. Daylight had not yet broken when Russian armored vehicles and combat corps entered Ukrainian soil. This time with their faces uncovered, with the insignia corresponding to their battalions and the Russian tricolor flag visible. The 2014 […]
Capitalism is not only a way of organizing the economy of a society, it is a social relationship, that is, a certain way of producing and globally reproducing the life of society and, as such, it is tied to the course of history. This system in which we live has already accumulated several centuries, and […]
As in every conflict between capitalist states, the ideological debate and propaganda revolve around law and national sovereignty. Whether Russia has the right to claim its security space, whether Ukraine is a sovereign country to decide its alliances, whether it is fair and legitimate for the United States to extend the borders of NATO, whether […]
Translated by Tridni Valka In recent weeks, the working class in Colombia has firmly confronted the new attacks of the bourgeoisie, concretized this last time in a tax reform of the government that seeks to increase the extraction of surplus value by new means. The proletariat in Colombia has been suffering continuous aggressions by […]
Translated by Riot Turtle for Enough 14. No one is left behind. These have been the words with which the PSOE and Podemos government has filled its mouth since March 14, 2020, a sad day to remember. Those together with the already well-known “victory morale”, to selflessly endure the rigors of confinement and the health and economic […]
Traduction from Malcontent Editions In this article we intend to tackle the questions that are unpinned by the current state of emergency that was decreed by the Pedro Sánchez administration in Spain, along with the measures that were announced on Tuesday, March 17th. We are living in times of profound social crisis, a health crisis […]
Traduction from Malcontent Editions It’s difficult to write a text like this one right now. In the current context, in which coronavirus has busted – or soon threatens to – the living conditions of many of us, the only thing you want to do is go out to the street and set everything ablaze, […]
For explaining the nature of the so-called catalan independentist process there’s no better image than the election of Quim Torra as president of the Generalitat. Self-determination and the freedom to vote has ended up putting an all-out admirer of Miquel Badia, one of the worst torturers and killers of the proletariat in the revolutionary Catalonia of […]
This text is an attempt to deepen the understanding of the current phase of the class struggle and at the same time it expresses how this effort is the result of the international communication and discussion conducted by minorities of the proletariat in different latitudes of the world. 1) We believe that we are witnessing […]
Leaflet distributed on December 6th, 2019 against the COP25 summit, organized in Madrid by the government of Pedro Sánchez to avoid the international focus on the repression of the revolt in Chile. Here the .pdf [in Spanish] spread in the demonstration. Against capital and its dance of the dead, we move towards life. We are […]